Compassionate Thoughts by Debbie

There is help for your hurting heart.

Friday, January 15, 2016

"A Letter Of Thanks" Lord, I'm asking for some of your time today.
To "thank you" for all your blessings you bestow upon me.
First of all, I want to "thank you" for dying on the cross for me, and for the stripes you suffered for my healing. Not to just say the words, but to really let you know how much I appreciate it from the bottom my heart.
I don't know how anyone can look at a picture or film of you on the cross, and not shed tears, or not want to yield their life to you, for what you did for us. The humiliation you suffered as you hung there on that cross, while they spat upon your face, and gave you vinegar to drink, and beat you with stripes, while the crowd looked on, and mocked and cursed you, should have been beyond human endurance. Yet, you hung there, and never complained, so that our sins could be forgiven, and we could have eternal life.
   I want to "thank you" for this big, beautiful world you created for us to live in. The mountains, beautiful beaches, and sunsets. I don't know how anyone can see a beautiful sunset on a beach, or see the sunrise up over the mountain top, and say " there is no God".
   " Thank you" for all creatures big and small, and for our animals we have as pets that bring us a lot of laughs.
    Man is trying his best to destroy the world, but hasn't succeeded yet.
   Help us Lord, to appreciate the little things, and to stop and smell the roses along the way.
   "Thank you" Lord for the air we breathe, and for life itself. For we realize without you, we could do nothing.
   "Thank you" Lord for what health we have, which may not be perfect, but we realize there is always people worse off than we are.
   "Thank you" Lord for our home, food and clothing. We may not always have the kind of food or money we want, but as the scriptures says, I have been young, and now am old: yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor His seed begging bread. "Thank you" Lord  that you've never forsaken us, nor have we had to beg bread.
   "Thank you" for the many times you've answered our prayers. Especially those times we would pray, and it would seem like you weren't there or listening.
   "Thank you" Lord you protected us from dangerous situations we didn't even know we were in. Especially, when we were living in sin.
   "Thank you" Lord for our troops that are fighting for our Country in sweltering hot, and unpleasant conditions. Bless them Lord, for they go through a lot, even having to worry if they are going to see their love ones again, or if they're going to be alive the next minute.
   "Thank you" Lord, for our relationship with you. Even though we may not have any earthly friends, I thank you that you are a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. We can call on you anytime day or night, and you're always there listening, waiting to hear us, comfort and console us. You know our innermost thought and needs without us having to utter a word.
"Thank you" Lord for being you.
   And last but not least, "Thank you" for my family.. my spouse, children, and my mom that I miss greatly. As we age, we begin to realize how important family is to us. Help us to appreciate them, and to be more forgiving of their faults.
   Lord, these are just a few of many blessings I'm thankful for. "Thank you" for your time and listening to me.
   We're always asking you to bless us, and for God to bless America. Now it time for us to bless you, and for America to bless God.
   Please help people to realize that the only true peace they'll ever have is to yield their life to you.
   You ask so little of us, in exchange for what you do for us. What is so hard about that?
   I love you Lord, I bless you Lord, I worship you " Thank you Lord"

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